General and Preventive Dentistry

Common Dental Issues and Tooth Diseases (1/2)

If you’ve had a tooth pain or an issue with your tooth, you would know the amount of pain that a simple cavity or a toothache can cause. When you have to visit a dentist for a tooth problem, with the excruciating pain is not always as simple. Following are some common dental issues and tooth diseases that can be easily treated to ensure you have the best of dental health!

Here are some of the most common tooth problems

  1. Toothache

Toothache comes unannounced and at any point of time during the day or night, and reaching a dentist immediately might not be possible. While you wait to get to a dentist, gargling with warm water, flossing to eliminate food stuck between teeth, and taking an over-the-counter pain killer can help. If you detect swelling or pus surrounding your tooth, or if you have a fever, you may have an abscess, which is a more serious issue. Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Antibiotics and other therapies may be required.

  1. Sensitive Teeth: Hot or Cold

A sip of hot tea or an ice cream should make you feel good rather than making you shiver as the cold touches your teeth. The first step is to determine the source of the problem. Cavities, worn dental enamel or fillings, gum disease, cracked teeth, or exposed roots are all possibilities. After your dentist diagnoses the condition, you may require a filling, a root canal, or gum therapy to repair tissue around the root. Sometimes you could only require a fluoride gel or a desensitising toothpaste or rinse.

  1. Crooked Teeth

Orthodontics, or teeth straightening, isn’t just for kids. Straightening crooked teeth and correcting your bite improves your smile in more ways than one. It can help to improve overall oral health by alleviating symptoms such as jaw pain. Braces (metal or Ceramic), aligners, and retainers are all options for orthodontists.

  1. Stained Teeth

Your teeth can get stained easily if not taken care of. But, with the appropriate method, you can get rid of a lot of stains. Foods, drugs, cigarettes, and trauma are all potential causes of tooth discoloration. To whiten them, you have three options. A whitening agent and a specific light can be used by your dentist. You can also bleach your teeth at home using a plastic tray and bleaching gel obtained from your dentist or a retailer. Whitening toothpaste and whitening rinses are the easiest options, however they only remove superficial stains.

  1. Bruxism or Teeth Grinding or Teeth Clenching

Bruxism is the term for teeth grinding. One of the causes is stress. Adults may be affected by misaligned teeth or sleep problems. (Allergies might be a contributing factor in children.) Headaches, a sore jaw, and fractured or loose teeth are all symptoms of bruxism. Ask your dentist to fit you with a mouth guard if you grind your teeth at sleep. If it’s a daytime issue, try meditation, exercise, or other stress-relieving techniques.

  1. Cavities

The tiny gaps in your teeth are a dangerous sign. They develop when a sticky bacterial layer known as plaque forms on your teeth, slowly degrading the thick outer coating known as enamel. Tooth decay along the gum line and around the margins of previous fillings can also be an issue for adults. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, restrict your snacking, floss daily, rinse with fluoride mouthwash, and stay up with your dental appointments to avoid it. Consult your dentist to see if a sealant is appropriate for you.

  1. Chipped tooth

It’s the most common type of dental damage. A chip can occur as a result of an accident. Something far less dramatic, such as chomping popcorn, can do the same thing. If the chip is significant, your dentist may propose a crown or bonding using a strong resin substance to replace the chipped area. If the pulp is impacted, a root canal may be required, followed by a veneer or crown.

These are some of the common dental issues. Read on to know more about other frequently occurring dental problems. If you have encountered any of the dental problems as outlined and would like to seek treatment, make an appointment with our expert dentist now by calling us at +91-9141160212

General and Preventive Dentistry

Importance Of Replacing Missing Teeth

Having missing teeth can be a cause of embarrassment and discomfort, especially when it affects the way you look, speak or eat. While many people consider it a cosmetic issue, missing teeth can have significant impacts on your oral health and overall wellbeing. Replacing missing teeth is therefore crucial to maintaining your oral health, bite, and self-esteem.

Here are some of the reasons why you should replace missing teeth:
Restore Your Smile and Confidence

One of the primary reasons why people replace missing teeth is to improve their appearance. Missing teeth can be unsightly, causing people to feel insecure and self-conscious about their smile. Replacing your missing teeth, whether with dental implants, dentures, or bridges, can help restore your natural smile and your confidence, giving you a more youthful, attractive appearance.

Prevent Jawbone Loss

When a tooth is missing, the jawbone below it no longer receives stimulation from that tooth’s roots. This lack of stimulation causes the bone to lose density and resorb, which can weaken your jaw and cause changes in your facial structure over time. Replacing missing teeth through dental implantation, for example, can help stimulate bone growth, preventing bone loss and maintaining your facial structure.

Maintain Proper Bite Alignment

Missing teeth can also disrupt the alignment of your bite, causing adjacent teeth to shift and tilt out of position. This shift can lead to improper bite alignment, creating problems with your jaw joint, as well as increased pressure on remaining teeth that can lead to further damage or decay over time. Replacing missing teeth with bridges, implants, or dentures can help restore proper bite alignment, preventing future damage to your teeth and jaw.

Improve Your Ability to Speak and Eat

Missing teeth can make it difficult to speak and eat, particularly if they are located in the front of your mouth. Replacing missing teeth can help improve speech clarity by providing support for the lips, tongue, and cheeks, as well as improving your ability to chew and eat foods that may have been difficult to consume.

Prevent Further Dental Complications

Untreated missing teeth can lead to other dental complications, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. It can also increase the risk of bite misalignment, TMJ problems, and additional tooth loss. Replacing missing teeth can help prevent these complications from arising, keeping your oral health and smile in top condition.

In conclusion, replacing missing teeth is essential to maintaining good oral health, enhancing your smile, and preventing future complications. If you are missing teeth, talk to your dentist about the best treatment options for you. Book an appointment today so you can restore your natural smile and enjoy a happier, healthier life.

Visit Credence Dental today to get more information on types of tooth replacement and what suits you.

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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